Venue - Sections - Place text, video & image blocks on your home page

With Venue you can set up some blocks of content in the homepage. These can help promote your brand, your story, a product, a video, a collection or anything else you want potential customers to focus on.


Setting up your content

You can have up to five blocks of content and of course can drag and drop them into your preferred order.

The main settings are as follows:

  • Image - you can place any ratio image you want here but we find a something like an 8:5 ratio or landscape ratio works really well.
  • Background color - the color behind the white text box - each block can have its own color which can add some visual interest and extra branding. Using alternate colors or leaving a block white can be very effective. Select from Default grey, Brand, Accent, White and Black. Brand and accent colors are set up in your General settings of the theme editor.
  • Heading - the title of the block i.e Summer Collection, Our Mission - leave blank for a minimal look.
  • Text - explainer/marketing text - about 3-5 lines works well.
  • YouTube or Vimeo link - if you wish you can reinforce your message by adding a video(s) that plays in a popup.
  • Button label - if you want to link off to a product, collection or page add some text here.
  • Button link - the URL of where you want to link to on your site, or externally.

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