Venue - Sections - Create a customizable contact form


The Venue theme (V9.0 onwards) gives you the ability to display a contact form on any of your store's pages.

You can customize the contact form with the options listed below:

  • Text field
  • Checkbox
  • Dropdown
  • Headings & Labels
  • Background color
  • Section dividing line
  • Bottom margin reduction

In this article, we will explain how you can create a 'Contact Us' page which already includes a contact form for you to customize, and how to add a contact form section to other pages on your store.

Assign the pre-built contact template to a page

  1. Log in to your Shopify store admin.
  2. Select Online store > Pages, and click the Add page button (or you can use an existing page intended to be used as a contact page).
  3. Name the page 'Contact Us' or whatever your preference.
  4. In the theme template dropdown, select the contact template
  5. Click Save and check your work.

Edit the pre-built contact form template

  1. Click the Customize button in the Themes area of your Shopify admin. This will take you to the theme editor.
  2. Once the theme editor is open, select the Home page option at the top of the screen.
  3. Select Pages within the dropdown menu, and then select the Contact template.
  4. On the left sidebar, you will see a contact form section is already included in the template. You can select the Add block option, and add any blocks you'd like to your contact form.

You have the ability to add three different types of additional contact form blocks:

Contact form block options

Text field

  • Required - Enable this option to make entering text mandatory.
  • Allow long text - Enable this option to allow for text entries up to 255 characters.
  • Label - Give a label to the text field to let customers know why you are allowing them to enter extra text.


  • Required - Enable this option to make clicking the checkbox mandatory.
  • Label - Add a label to the checkbox to let customers know the purpose of the checkbox.
  • Checked value - Enter a value of what the result means if the customer checks the checkbox, for example 'Yes'.
  • Unchecked value - Enter a value of what the result means if the customers does not check the checkbox, for example 'No'


  • Label - Add a label to the dropdown to let customers know the purpose of the dropdown.
  • Options - Add dropdown options for customers to choose from. Separate each value you enter with commas.

Section settings

  • Heading - Add a heading to the top of the contact form.
  • Show background color - Add a background color to the contact form.
  • Show dividing line - This will add a thin line at the top of the contact form, to separate the form from the content above it.
  • Reduce bottom margin - Reduce the margin of space between the contact form and the content below it.

Add a contact form section to any page

You might want to display a contact form on a page other than your store's Contact page. If you would like to do so, please follow the steps below. 

  1. Click the  Customize button in the Themes area of your Shopify admin. This will take you to the theme editor.
  2. Once the theme editor is open, navigate to  Home page on top of the screen. 
  3. Select any area of your store you would like to add a contact form to, and select the template you would like to display it on. 
  4. On the left sidebar, click the Add section option.
  5. Add the Contact form section, edit the settings for the section and add any additional blocks you'd like (Text fields, Checkboxes or Dropdowns) by selecting the Add block option.
  6. Save any changes you make and check your work.

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