All themes - Product page - Customize your callout block colors
Safe As Milk themes come with the ability to add Callout blocks with an icon to the product page. In our experience these look more professional when the background and text/icon color are different shades of the same color. For your convenience we have listed some color combinations below.
Please check your color combinations pass web accessibility standards before you use them. If you wish to use a custom icon in your blocks please refer to the article linked below.
For a blue callout use #D6EDFF for the background and #3481C2 for the text
For a green callout use #E5F7DB for the background and #4A9F53 for the text
For a grey callout use #F2F2F2 for the background and #6B6B6B for the text
For a red callout use #FFEEF1 for the background and #DC6A81 for the text
For a yellow callout use #FFF2D7 for the background and #DAA132 for the text