Venue - Sections - Learn why the sign-up modal is disabled on mobile devices

The popup in the Venue theme does not display on mobile devices by default.

The reason we have done this is because Google has started penalising sites that has intrusive popups (or interstitials as they are known) on the mobile view of the site. Here's a direct quote from Google.

“To improve the mobile search experience, after January 10, 2017, pages where content is not easily accessible to a user on the transition from the mobile search results may not rank as highly.”

You may find this article useful. Or read the official line from Google.


Mobile signups

You still have the chance to ask people to sign up to your mailing list using the form in the footer, which displays on mobile. Please refer to the related article on newsletters at the bottom of this page.

Still want it to work on mobile?

You can now use the simple checkbox to enable this feature on a mobile device.

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