Venue - Footer - Remove the Safe As Milk credit

Removing the developer credit

Some merchants wish to remove the Safe As Milk credit from the footer of their stores. Here are the instructions on how to do it yourself.

1. Head to the themes area of your Shopify admin
2. First thing you should do is duplicate your theme - call it 'Venue Original' - for safety. To do this look for the 'Actions' dropdown button next to the 'Customize' button and select 'Duplicate'.
3. Now you need to edit your code - again look for the 'Actions' dropdown button next to the 'Customize' button and click 'Edit code'.
4. When the code view appears scroll down and find the 'Sections' folder on the left of the window. Inside that is the 'footer.liquid' file.
5. Click on the 'footer.liquid' file to edit then scroll down to around line 362.
6. Remove this code:

<span><a href="" target="_blank">Theme by Safe As Milk</a>. {{ powered_by_link }}</span>

7. Remember to save then check your work on the live site.

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