Venue - General - Theme release notes

Version 13.0.0 - May 3, 2024

OS 2.0 themes


  • PDP blocks for no longer available Shopify Reviews app

Fixes and other improvements

  • Collection banner template name bug fixed
  • Table overflow bug fixed

Version 12.0.1 - April 4, 2024

OS 2.0 themes

Fixes and other improvements

  • Patterns not rendering bug fixed

Version 12.0.0 - March 28, 2024

OS 2.0 themes


  • Before/after image slider section
  • Hero video section
  • Back-to-top button
  • Callout block on PDP
  • Shopify hosted video added to Slideshow
  • Shopify hosted video added to Video gallery
  • Background video added to Image with text
  • Background video added to Image with text overlap
  • Popup video added to Image and text banner
  • Background video added to Image grid with text
  • Background video added to Multicolumn with images
  • Two new styles added to Collection banner
  • Video and image replacement content added to Collection banner
  • Option to show price currency codes added
  • Option to hide gift wrapping message added
  • Option to hide free shipping bar on specific markets added
  • Maximum content width setting added to mega menus


  • Layout width setting removed from mega menus
  • YouTube video option removed from Slideshow

Fixes and other improvements

  • Collection banner settings improved
  • Image and text banner settings improved
  • Rich text editor content display improved
  • Announcement bar auto rotate bug fixed
  • Popup after successful subscription delay bug fixed
  • Deprecated strike tag fixed

Version 11.0.5 - March 8, 2024

OS 2.0 themes

Fixes and other improvements

  • Variant dropdown in Quick Shop bug fixed

Version 11.0.4 - February 28, 2024

OS 2.0 themes

Fixes and other improvements

  • Product card price partial visibility issue fixed

Version 11.0.3 - January 18, 2024

OS 2.0 themes


  • Added support for filter swatches powered by metaobjects

Fixes and other improvements

  • Grid and PDP label size adjusted
  • Width of Newsletter section background adjusted for large screens
  • Collections List hover effect changed to slow zoom
  • Removed last child border from filter drawer/sidebar
  • Header account icon replaced by text link when logged in bug - fixed
  • Brand border display bug on Collections List section - fixed
  • Display bug when changing from drawer to sidebar filter - fixed
  • items-scroll element container bug - fixed
  • Image ratio bug on product grid - fixed
  • Subscription apps cart text display bug - fixed
  • Variant pricing issue on PDP bug - fixed
  • Simple menu dropdown text width bug - fixed

Version 11.0.2 - January 2, 2024

OS 2.0 themes

Fixes and other improvements

  • Multiple variant product without assigned images switching bug - fixed

Version 11.0.1 - December 20, 2023

OS 2.0 themes

Fixes and other improvements

  • Free shipping bar icon overflow issue - fixed
  • Free shipping bar missing translations issue - fixed
  • PDP tab icon not displaying when dynamic content is added - fixed
  • Linear gradient swatches not displaying as expected - fixed
  • Handling of section text color when formatting changed to headings - improved

Version 11.0.0 - December 12, 2023

OS 2.0 themes

This latest version of Venue represents a major milestone, with a complete ground-up redesign of the Shopping Cart. In this update, we've introduced three 'app-like' features aimed at increasing average order size and reducing cart abandonment:

Check out our blog post for more.

  1. Free Shipping Bar: Encourage shoppers to add more items to their cart and reach that enticing free shipping threshold. It's a proven strategy to help boost sales.
  2. Recommended Products: Encourage your visitors to buy more with this powerful shopping cart feature. What's unique and exciting is that you can precisely tune product recommendations using the 'Search & Discover' app.
  3. Gift Wrapping Call to Action: Just in time for the upcoming holiday season or indeed any celebration, we've added a compelling gift wrapping call to action. Delight your customers by offering them the option to add a special touch to their purchases.

With Venue 11 you can keep your visitors engaged and give ample motivation to buy more from your store.


  • Cart drawer and cart page fully redesigned and rebuilt
  • Free shipping bar added to cart and PDP
  • Gift wrapping CTA added to cart
  • Payment icons added to cart
  • Recommended products block added to cart
  • New button options and icons added to cart
  • SKUs added to cart
  • Cart now updated dynamically on cart page
  • Icons added to collapsible tabs on PDP
  • Product description in collapsible tab added to PDP
  • Recommended product section on PDP replaced with new component
  • Quick Shop element replaced with remote version with loading skeleton
  • Quick Shop drawer redesigned - mobile slide up replaced with side drawer
  • Grid image ratios now apply to all thumbnails - search, cart, quick shop, recommended products
  • All drawers tidied up with new widths added to desktop version
  • Main navigation link spacing slider added
  • Navigation arrows added back to PDP gallery
  • Social icons changed - added X, Threads, Twitch, WhatsApp
  • Password page - changed icons from share to merchant social links
  • Added the metafield and override features to the ‘View all’ mobile navigation buttons
  • Collection page - added filter drawer option and product count on desktop
  • Changed the ‘Account’ link when logged in - icon remains, dropdown removed
  • Added top/bottom padding sliders to all sections where possible
  • Inline display (non carousel) added to Announcement bar section
  • Improved layout of localization links in header on narrow screens
  • Navigation sub drawer headings moved to centre
  • Added SVG icon upload field to Testimonials section


  • Deprecated HTML tag removed

Fixes and other improvements

  • Localization drop down bug in navigation drawer fixed
  • RTE Tables overflowing/not wrapping bug fixed
  • Mega menu narrow mouse path improved
  • Mega menu H4 tags changed to P
  • SVG main logo bug fixed
  • Mega menu staggered load improved
  • Increased the scale on body and heading font
  • Social media icons improved
  • Item scroll bug fixed

Version 10.0.5 - November 17, 2023

OS 2.0 themes

Fixes and other improvements

  • Collection list - navigation bug fixed
  • Mega menus - same name/word contained in two menus bug fixed
  • Icons - overflow display bug fixed

Version 10.0.4 - August 9, 2023

OS 2.0 themes

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed max price displaying above input field on collection filter
  • Fixed collection list replacement content bug
  • Changed 'Gift card' recipient name code

Version 10.0.3 - July 28, 2023

OS 2.0 themes

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed password page section rendering bug
  • Fixed collection vendor page sorting bug

Version 10.0.2 - July 26, 2023

OS 2.0 themes

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed dropdown animation issue when using Safari browser
  • Fixed ‘Complementary products’ issue when using other languages or markets and ‘Quick shop’ button
  • Fixed flash of unstyled content on ‘Scrolling text and icons’ section

Version 10.0.1 - July 19, 2023

OS 2.0 themes

Fixes and other improvements

  • Fixed Theme editor section visual preview loading
  • Fixed header localization dropdown bug
  • Improved header navigation chevron position
  • Changed collections list title text

Version 10.0.0 - July 6, 2023

OS 2.0 themes

The Venue theme continues to evolve and reach new heights with the release of version 10. This update represents a significant milestone in our mission to improve your store and boost your sales.

We’ve massively enhanced the mega menus on both desktop and mobile to provide a seamless browsing experience for your customers. They will be able to navigate your store effortlessly, find products more easily, and enjoy a more engaging shopping journey. We’ve also added an eye catching new scrolling text section to help you communicate your offers, promotions and brand story better than ever. And finally, the collections list section has been completely rebuilt giving you powerful new design options to get your store looking exactly how you want.

Check out our blog post for more on Venue 10.


  • New ‘Follow on Shop’ button in footer
  • New recipient field on gift card products
  • New scrolling text and icons sections
  • New blockified header with 2x mega menu types
  • New navigation drawer design with the ability to display mega menu images
  • New feature to colorise specific links in the main navigation (i.e red for 'Sale')
  • New collection list section design with promo blocks

Fixes and other improvements

  • New custom swatch code for improved page loading
  • Improved complimentary products block logic
  • Improved text layout for items in side filter
  • Improved header links on touch devices
  • Redesigned simple dropdown menus
  • Header border now available on all pages
  • Custom icon code field added to various blocks and sections
  • Improved hover feedback and option on header navigation

Version 9.0.1 - April 18, 2023

OS 2.0 themes

Fixes and other improvements

  • Improved position of close icon on the Announcement Bar section
  • Improved bottom spacing of form column when using ‘Sticky’ setting
  • Made product title clickable on Featured Product section
  • Fixed alignment issue on collection page title after clicking vendor link via PDP
  • Fixed issue with product title jumping when Complimentary Products block loads
  • Improved the loading of the Buy Now button when customizing blocks and sections on the PDP
  • Fixed a layout bug when Form and Gallery columns both have collapsible tabs in use

Version 9.0.0 - April 3, 2023

OS 2.0 themes

We're excited to announce the biggest update ever of our popular Venue theme.

In the fast-paced world of ecommerce, staying ahead of the curve is essential, and we're committed to providing the most powerful tools possible for our customers. As a result, we are now unveiling the most substantial update the theme has ever seen.

Check out our blog for more information.


  • Sections groups
  • Query suggestions & predictive search in search modal
  • Query suggestions & predictive search in search page
  • New search modal with recent searches option
  • Side drawer option for Quick Shop
  • Side drawer cart with icon announcement bar
  • New icon link options in the header
  • New store header - transparent header option, second promo image in mega menu, collections mega menu
  • New 'Image with text' section
  • New 'Multicolumn with icons' section
  • Pre-crafted icons for use in sections and PDP blocks
  • New announcement bar with multiple blocks, icons and popups
  • New custom swatch options with multiple variant triggers
  • Option to send PDP blocks to form or gallery column
  • Drop shadow option on PDP
  • Sticky form option for 'Clean' PDP layout
  • New PDP product variant combination - custom swatches combined with dropdowns
  • Variant pop-up with trigger on PDP (i,e 'Size guide' popup link on Size variant)
  • Discount label on PDP
  • Improved PDP blocks for product title, vendor, price and description
  • Main gallery image ratio control on PDP
  • New blocks on PDP - product story, SKU, tags, pop-up with icon, line item. custom html/liquid, product inventory
  • Completely rebuilt 'Featured Collection' section - with collection tabs and desktop carousel navigation
  • New 'Image and text banner' section to replace 'Image with text overlay'


  • Full width page layout on PDP 
  • Twitter block from footer 
  • Eventbrite integration from 'Events' section

Fixes and other improvements

  • Redesign of blog section and blog landing page
  • Redesign of 'Multicolumn with images' section
  • Updated logos in the 'Delivery' section
  • Improved design of the 'Events' section
  • Renamed 'Image with text' to 'Image with text overlap'
  • Redesign of header icons
  • Changed product grid titles to H2 from H3 to help with SEO
  • Improved PDP thumbnails - added a carousel and image ratio and position options
  • Improved zoom animation on slideshows and other sections
  • Added 'Reduce bottom margin' to various sections
  • Dynamic JS filters on collection page - i.e no page refresh needed when filtering
  • Multiple labels on product grid
  • Semi-opaque option on 'Image with text overlay' (previously 'Image with text')
  • New collection filter checkbox and swatch options
  • PDP product form headings - size and style options in global typography
  • 'Slideshow' section improvements - text container alignment, text container colour, navigation dots, navigation arrows, additional buttons, button types
  • Added blocks to the contact form section
  • New header logo alignment options
  • Breadcrumb alignment option in PDP

Version 8.0.0 - January 6, 2023

OS 2.0 themes


  • Complementary products block on the product page
  • Support for image focal points feature


  • Theme image alignment options - replaced by the focal points feature

Version 7.0.2 - June 24, 2022

OS 2.0 themes

Fixes and other improvements

  • Performance improvements
  • Accessibility improvements
  • Slideshow section - text width container adjusted for minimal style
  • Slideshow section - minimum width added to buttons
  • Mobile sidebar - sub-menu typography changed
  • Quick shop modal - z-index bug fixed
  • Local pickup - product specificity bug fix
  • Other minor layout and color improvements

Version 7.0.1 - June 2, 2022

OS 2.0 themes

Fixes and other improvements

  • Featured product section variant button shadow was cut off on the left.
  • Product card script was showing error in the theme editor.

Version 7.0.0 - June 1, 2022

OS 2.0 themes

This version introduces a brand new feature called Quick Shop. It's designed to improve the flow of your customers' shopping experience, making it easier for them to make that all-important purchase in record time.

We’ve also made significant improvements to existing features, offering you more flexibility over the design of your store.

Visit our blog to learn more about what Venue 7.0 brings to your business!


  • We’ve added Italian language translations
  • We’ve added a new type of Quick Shop feature with multiple settings
  • We've added a colour picker/opacity for drop shadows that are used on modals
  • You can now choose the ‘outline button’ style for Quick Shop buttons
  • You can now fine tune the size, font style, letter spacing and capitalisation of ‘Product grid headings’, ‘Navigation headings’ and ‘Buttons and labels’ components
  • We’ve added the ability to adjust the size (on the grid), border and shape of the swatches
  • A product will only display a maximum of 5 swatches on the product grid - the additional swatches will be represented by a number (+13) which links to the product page
  • We’ve added scroll snap code to improve sideways scrolling on mobile devices


  • We’ve moved the ‘custom image swatch’ setting from the product page form, to the global swatch settings area
  • We’ve moved the ‘custom image swatch’ setting from the product grid, to the global swatch settings area
  • We’ve changed the font style of several components around the theme - notable the collapsible tab headings, breadcrumbs, product headings in the cart, cart currency values and testimonial ‘name’ field
  • We’ve added a new heading size in the product page ‘text’ block
  • Variants ‘buttons’ have been redesigned
  • Swatches have their own area in global settings
  • Product grid have its own area in global settings
  • Product grid labels have their own area in global settings
  • There’s a new break point when a collection page is set to four products per row and has a sidebar filter showing


  • We’ve removed the ‘show on hover’ option on the Quick Shop settings - this has been superseded by the new ‘modal’ option which also displays on hover

Fixes and other improvements

  • We’ve improved the vertical alignment and scaling on various icons
  • We’ve reduced the typography size on search results
  • We’ve improved the logic of out of stock/unavailable variants on the product page
  • The review stars on the product grid now use sharper icons with improved typography
  • We’ve unified the width of popup modals
  • We’ve unified the heading style and layout on all popup modals

Version 6.0.3 - April 29, 2022

OS 2.0 themes

Fixed & adjusted

  • YouTube changed their API and it broke the Slideshow video slides. We've updated our code to fix this.

Version 6.0.2 - March 21, 2022

OS 2.0 themes

Fixed & adjusted

  • Sporadic ‘double tap’ bug when tapping the add to cart button. Browser : Mobile Safari.
  • The circular handles on the price range filter slider were displaying drop shadows. Browser : Mobile Safari.
  • YouTube ‘no cookie’ code disabled, We did this as videos weren’t loading in the theme editor properly.
  • The collection page price range filter had an issue when product prices were not round figures.
  • The collection page price range filter logic has been adjusted for different country formatting.

Version 6.0.1 - February 22, 2022

OS 2.0 themes


  • Collection filter product count number misaligned.
  • Password page header accent border misaligned.

Version 6.0.0 - February 17, 2022

OS 2.0 themes

Introduced support for Shopify Markets feature, improved UX around footer newsletter.


  • Static Newsletter section above the footer that can be displayed on every page.


  • Currency selector has been updated to use Country/Region instead.


  • Newsletter from the Footer as it now appears as standalone static section.


  • Multiple quote characters in a variant name causes appearance of a sold out combination.
  • Search shows no results when filtering is enabled but has no options.
  • Collection list section replacement image not appearing.
  • Collection filter links not perfectly aligned vertically.
  • Skip to navigation link flashing on first load.

V5.0.3 / 02 December 2021

OS 2.0 themes

Features & design

  • Search faceted filtering added
  • Product grid image fit to container improved
  • New theme preset called Twilight added
  • Width limit option on ‘Image grid with text’ section added
  • Improved layout width of the blog page and ‘Blog’ section
  • ‘Text column with images’ section blocks limit removed


  • Quote character in variant name sold out bug fix
  • Other smaller bug fixes

V5.0.2 / 21 October 2021

OS 2.0 themes


  • Heading field reinstated to the Video section

V5.0.1 / 12 October 2021

OS 2.0 themes

Features & design

  • Shopify reviews app integration improved - you can now add Shopify reviews and star ratings as a block in the product form - or as a section lower on the page. We've also added a generic 'star rating' block using the standard metafields for convenience.
  • Collapsible reviews tab added as a block - you can now insert Shopify reviews app content into a collapsible tab that can be re-ordered among other tabs. You can also open this tab by default on page load. Additionally you can now display how many reviews have been received for the product in parentheses after the heading like so 'Reviews (6)'
  • Added a placeholder heading when adding a collapsible tab - previously, when you created a collapsible tab it was hard to spot where it was in the stack of product form content as all the tab content fields were blank. We've added the words 'Collapsible tab' as a default heading to improve this.
  • Added app section container width - we've added a checkbox to limit the width of the Shopify reviews app when added as a section. It was too wide and not aligning to other sections.
  • Removed the 5 block limit for 'Text with image' section - this was an oversight - you can now have more blocks.
  • Improved the spacing of button style variants - they were a bit close.
  • Added a 'spacer' block to the custom content section - when creating a layout using the custom content section sometimes images or text wanted to 'float' up next to each other. for example is they were 2/3 and 1/3 wide. Adding a spacer makes them behave themself. This feature was on pre OS 2.0 versions but it got lost in the conversion.
  • Testimonials section now has a rich text input box - allowing for links inside the text i.e if you want to link to the product the customer is talking about.
  • Second image on 'hover' removed from touch devices - it seemed very jumpy when you touched the product image simply to swipe the carousel to the next product. It's better this way.
  • Collection filter minor redesign - checkboxes and price fields are now hollow/outline style, we also added a subtle border to the price slider handles to improve ux.


  • Sort dropdown bug fixed.
  • Special characters now escaped on the product form.
  • Fixed flashing underscore on product form bug.
  • Product sale price was re-connected to colour settings.
  • Slideshow section hidden content bug fixed.
  • Line item property in cart now hidden if first character is an underscore.
  • Blog featured image bug fixed.

V5.0.0 / 31 August 2021

OS 2.0 themes

Features & design

  • Sections everywhere - Venue is now fully compatible with Online Store 2.0 . This is the big one. Described by Shopify as 'The new standard in customizability and speed. Use drag-and-drop sections and blocks to create custom pages throughout your store without special coding.' Essentially this means all those great home page sections you love can now be sprinkled throughout your store making much richer product pages, landing pages, about pages etc etc. Used with a new easier templating system this is a powerful tool to build out your store just how you like it.
  • Faceted filtering - all new filters on collection page. You can now set up various filters inside your admin by going to the Navigation area. Facets such as size, colour, brand etc can be displayed. When Collection filtering is enabled, the filter options appear in the sidebar of your product collection listing in your online store. There is no limit to the number of filter criteria a customer can select. After the customer selects a filter option, the resulting list of filtered products will automatically update to display products that match the customer's criteria.
  • Product form blocks - As part of updating the product page form we have added several useful blocks that can be inserted around the 'buy' area on the product page. Text, image, spacer and link are now available. Want to cross sell by adding an image, text and link to an associated product? You can now do that and drag it to wherever you want it.
  • OS2.0  blocks - as part of this project we have added more granular control of the blocks in various sections. In some sections you can now show/hide or rearrange various blocks by dragging and dropping. Always wanted your product variants above the price on the product page? You can now do that.

V4.8.6 / 26 May 2021

Vintage themes

Features & design

  • Shop Pay Instalments banners integrated - let's say you have a really nice product in your store but the person viewing it wants to spread the payments. Well now you can set up Shop Pay Instalments and 'give your customers the option to buy now, knowing they can pay in 4 equal payments, interest-free'. The messaging for feature - once activated in the admin - will appear under the buy buttons on the product page.
  • Secondary button style changed to ‘hollow’ style - when using the dynamic 'Buy Now' checkout buttons there's also a secondary 'Add To Cart' button. Previously this secondary button was a solid grey colour. We felt this looked a bit inactive and 'greyed out'. So we've changed to a new hollow style button which keep the button hierarchy in place but looks more clickable. We've also changed some of the other secondary buttons like 'Continue Shopping' in the carts to match.
  • Product page button animation - we've added a tasteful yet delightful animated check mark/tick to the secondary buy button as outlined in the point above.
  • Product gallery navigation dot arrows spaced apart - sometimes it's the little things...we felt the clickable arrow icons on the product galleries were a bit big and overbearing.
  • Smooth page transitions animation option removed - animations can look and feel really nice. Animations can also slow down your store. We felt this animation wasn't adding anything significant to the shopping experience and was best removed to improve performance. 
  • Loading animations duration reduced - we felt that the animation speed of items loading on older computers was too slow. We've made them feel snappier.


  • YouTube no-cookies ‘Video Gallery’ fixed
  • Missing maps API key error fixed
  • Testimonial circled image on product page fixed
  • Collection page and article top image spacing fixed
  • Header logo width and height parameters added (Lighthouse warning)
  • Video Gallery controls unhidden
  • Video Gallery Play button moved below controls
  • Product page and recommended products image sizes corrected
  • Empty Cart Button label updated
  • Hover on buttons disabled for mobile. Should improve double tap issue 
  • Autofill for cart page quantity disabled
  • Social links noopener attribute for accessibility added
  • Aria-Live on sliders disabled for accessibility
  • Search page grey background removed
  • Scroll animation, Slick slider, jQuery & Handlebars plugins updated
  • StickyBits & Autofill plugins removed

V4.8.5 / 12 May 2021

Vintage themes


  • Fix for odd loading animation issue when resizing browser window

V4.8.4 / 06 April 2021

Vintage themes

Features & design

  • Product placeholder image added - the Venue theme now has the option to add a custom placeholder image which will be displayed when no product image is available for your products. This is useful for merchants who wish to upload a branded placeholder image instead of the default image provided by the theme. Nobody wants to be that 'default' type person right?
  • General accessibility improvements - we have improved the accessibility of the theme working to the A11y standards. This is an ongoing piece of work.
  • LinkedIn social icon added - in the theme editor there's a section where you can set up links to all your social profiles/feeds. You can now create a footer link with a Linkedin icon that ends up on your LinkedIn page. Some say it's like a boring Facebook but we couldn't possibly comment.
  • Continue Shopping and Empty Cart URL options - If your visitor clicks the cart link/icon and the cart is empty there's a button to send them back to the store to do some, like, actual shopping, duh. You can now choose where this button links to by adding a custom link in the theme editor Cart settings. Similarly when your visitor adds something to the cart there is a Continue shopping link/prompt. This is now editable in the theme editor.
  • FAQ page translations - some bits of the page template that enabled you to build a useful FAQ page were not available in the Translations part of the theme code. Elements like the Categories heading could not be easily changed to another language. Hard coding elements like this is hard to forgive. The person responsible has been spoken to.


  • Update account page date format to support Japanese & Chinese characters
  • Slick slider logic updated to account for unavailable variant combinations
  • Cart Emoji colour darkened to add more contrast from background colour
  • Mobile search text colour made black
  • Vimeo playback bug on Video Gallery section fix
  • Other smaller bug fixes

V4.8.3 / 11 Feb 2021

Vintage themes

Features & design

  • Slideshow section size is now based on ratio - on earlier versions of the Venue theme the slideshow section would sometimes 'crop' or hide some parts of the image depending on how wide your visitor's browser is on desktop. We've changed how the slideshow works so that the images will maintain a consistent ratio regardless of browser width -  this significantly reduces the chances that part of your image will be hidden. Check this article for more on this subject.
  • General accessibility improvements - we have improved the accessibility of the theme working to the A11y standards. This is an ongoing piece of work.
  • CSS minification for performance improvement - Unlike greed, speed is always good when it comes to websites. We have greatly improved the way we squish all of the CSS code of your store for better performance/loading times. We like speed.
  • Page container maximum width limit removed - when viewed on a very large monitor, with your browser set to full width, your store would display inside a container with a maximum width set by the theme code -  with grey bars either side to make up the rest of the unused real estate on the screen. This was done to stop the design of your store becoming too wide and unwieldy. We have improved the design of the theme so that there is no longer a maximum width container and grey bars - your store just stretches, but in a much nicer way.


  • Testimonials section loading height fix
  • Logo list section loading height fix
  • Search page missing native lazy loading image fix
  • Footer image block width fix
  • Store pickup variant translation fix
  • Store pickup ‘default title’ variant fix
  • Empty ‘selling plan’ cart fix
  • Blog items masonry overlapping loading fix

V4.8.2 / 21 December 2020 

Vintage themes


  • Image Slideshow loading height fix
  • Collection swatch image bug fix
  • Slideshow YouTube background video bug fix
  • Gift card text color bug fix
  • Section image size recommendations updated

V4.8.1 / 19 November 2020 

Vintage themes

Features & design

  • Recurring payments integration
 - The Venue product page now integrates properly with subscription apps built for Shopify’s native checkout.
  • TikTok social link/icon added
 - TikTok is the hot new thing! Shopify have announced a global partnership with TikTok no less. You can now link to your feed using an icon based link in your store footer - like with all the other social feed icons that ship with Venue. 


  • Ajax cart routes bug fix

  • Ajax cart no image bug fix
Search results translation missing fix
Logo width for FireFox bug fix
Footer payments logo wrapping bug fix
Other smaller bug fixes 

V4.8.0 / 18 November 2020 

Vintage themes

Features & design

  • Background color setting added - Do you want a 'dark mode' store? Do you love Fuschia? Does Coral make your inner soul sing with joy? It's now easy to change the background color of your whole store. As an added bonus you can still control the color of your header and footer independently, as you can with some sections. Contrast is a good thing.


  • Major theme performance improvements - A deep analysis and overhaul of Venue's underlying code in order to improvement store speed/page loading speed. Using our page speed tools we are seeing an average of a 15 point improvement over the previous version of Venue. Your speed score will vary. Please look at our article for more context.

Venue 4.7.2 / 26th October 2020

Vintage themes

Features & design

  • Local pickup option added -  you can set up the option for customers to pick up their online orders at your retail store, curbside, or any location that you choose.

Venue 4.7.1 / 30th September 2020

Vintage themes


  • Gift card template fixes - the CSS assets were not included in the theme code correctly.
  • Password page fixes - the CSS assets were not included in the theme code correctly.

Venue 4.7.0 / 29th September 2020

Vintage themes

Features & design

  • Social media tags updated to use platform features - we used to have a setting where you can upload a social media sharing image. We now use the built in platform feature instead.
  • YouTube no-cookie mode enabled by default (GDPR) - YouTube videos display in an iFrame and YouTube used to inject cookies by default - you now have to click play before the YouTube cookie installs.
  • Newsletter section hidden on challenge page - Shopify sometimes sends users to a reCAPTCHA page - including the newsletter Section in this page can push the reCAPTCHA module out of the viewport.


  • SASS to CSS - we have changed the way we provide CSS to the theme. This is to improve page loading speed
  • JavaScript assets optimisation - We are now only loading certain plugins ‘on demand’. This is to improve page loading speed
  • Network connection optimisation - we now pre-connect to servers for faster asset/page loading. 
  • jQuery now included as a separate file - this is for improved app integrations and can help solve issues if the app tries to load jQuery as well as the theme. 


  • Home collection breadcrumbs bug fix - sometimes the paths to certain Collections were not working properly.
  • Custom content page templates centering issue fixed - on very wide screens some of the content wasn’t aligning properly.
  • Vimeo API update for gallery thumbnails - Vimeo changed their API, we changed our theme code to follow.

V4.6.3 / 07 August 2020

Vintage themes

Features & design

  • 'Notification' cart type added - the theme now has three types of cart available - Popup, Page and now Notification. We added a Notification cart as many apps need to integrate with the Cart page and the other cart types weren't providing an ideal solution. The Popup cart takes you directly to checkout, so doesn't help with app integration. The Page cart works with the app integrations but breaks the buying flow and takes customers away from the product area. The new Notification cart gives a non-invasive notification and allows the customer to keep shopping before eventually leading to the main cart page (with app integrations) when they are ready.
  • Slideshow Video - new self-hosted .mp4 option added - you can now link to a self hosted video direct from the Shopify files upload area in the admin. This means you don't have to rely on a video being hosted on YouTube or Vimeo. This should make the page load faster too.
  • Collection tag group filtering improved - Previously you could select multiple tags from the same tag group which resulted in lots of empty searches. You can now only select one tag from each tag group resulting in better searches.
  • Custom Page & Product Page section alignment improved - previously if you placed two elements side by side, like some images, the alignment could look a bit janky. We fixed that.


  • Video gallery loading optimised - iFrames are now 'lazily' loaded meaning the code needed to play videos is only loaded when needed i.e in the viewport - resulting in faster page loads.
  • Snippet Render method changed - kinda boring stuff deep in the code but results in faster rendering of the web pages in your store.
  • Sticky elements method changed - we were using an old plugin to achieve the sticky elements like the header and the 'add-to-cart' box in the product page. We have swapped this for a native CSS method.


  • Cart page note bug fixed - previously if you were using the Popup cart and you had edited your cart code, the note for the merchant sometimes disappeared.
  • Events feed organisation API bug fixed - the people at Eventbrite updated their API, we updated our code to follow.
  • Events mobile grid layout bug fixed - previously the events section could look broken on certain mobile devices.
  • Mobile quick buy buttons bug fixed - previously if the store visitor's screen was both touch and mouse input - like on some Chromebooks - the quick buy buttons might not work.
  • Mobile sidebar account link bug fixed - previously, on a mobile device, the 'My Account' link in the sidebar wasn't working properly.
  • Page Template section bug fixed - there are unique three page section templates available to select in the page editor. In the previous version two of these templates displayed the same content due to a typo in the code.

V4.6.2 / 02 April 2020 

Vintage themes

- Theme now supports Shopify multi-language feature - Improvements to Shopify multi-currency feature - Theme currency converter removed. From now on stores need to use Shopify multi-currency feature - Increased base container width - Added 2 new page with sections templates - Collections list not visible on mobile bug fix - Video gallery Vimeo height bug fix - Unit price sold out fix - Article structured data added - Cart checkbox error position fix - Blog date for translations fix - Multiple featured products swatch bug fix - Gift card template print style improvement - Quick buy buttons are now visible on mobile for hover style - Color swatch adding to cart bug fix - Color swatch  translations added for trigger word - Product media control colors synced with settings

V4.6.1 / 18 March 2020 

Vintage themes

- YouTube API bug fix that caused Slideshow video to fail

V4.6.0 / 13 February 2020 

Vintage themes

- Product media update - Instagram section removed - General accessibility improvements - Google structured data reviews app fields removed

V4.5.2 / 12 December 2019 

Vintage themes

- Header icons style loading flash fixed - Product page scroll jump bug fixed - Stock notice API method fixed - Stock notice homepage styling fixed - jQuery and Handlebars plugins updated to latest version - Featured product text override field added - Testimonials lazy-loading images added - Pre-connect to YouTube for faster loading

V4.5.1 / 21 November 2019 

Vintage themes

- Header logo overflowing width bug fixed

V4.5.0 / 19 November 2019 

Vintage themes

- Product page new clean layout - Product page improved classic layout - Product page low inventory stock notice - Product page unit pricing - Product page tax notice - Product page updated image zoom - Product page template with additional sections is now default - Header logo mobile size control added - Header clickable parent links switch added - Homepage slideshow loading improvements - Other general loading performance improvements - Product label percentage formula fixed - FAQs template search reset bug fixed - Rich Text Editor image sizing bug fixed - IE11 logo positioning fix

V4.4.1 / 09 September 2019 

Vintage themes

- Shopify native currency converter integrated  - Slideshow background video mobile support - Cart terms and conditions checkbox - Facebook pixel double add to cart record fix - Extra small typography option added - Swatch images not stretching fixed - Other smaller bug fixes and improvements

V4.4.0 / 22 August 2019 

Vintage themes

- Collection tag filter groups - Collection filter sidebar drawer on desktop - 2 columns option on mobile for every product grid - All header layouts can be set to sticky now - Header variable height - Header ‘scroll up’ to reveal feature - Product variant selection buttons and swatches layouts added - Product swatches with custom colors and images - Product grid show product details on hover - Header navigation separate typography options - ‘from’ in front of the price if it varies - Promo popup content blocking bug - Theme developer credit removed - Other smaller bug fixes and improvements

V4.3.2 / 28 June 2019 

Vintage themes

- Password page Shopify link ref nofollow fix

V4.3.1 / 13 June 2019 

Vintage themes

- Improved Slideshow loading  - Google structured data improvements (added reviews) - Sticky header on mobile jump fix - FAQ sticky categories spacing fix - Other smaller bug fixes

V4.3.0 / 27 May 2019 

Vintage themes

- Recommended products feature added - Related products feature removed - Cart and Order page automatic discounts added

V4.2.1 / 24 April 2019 

Vintage themes

- Support link change

V4.2.0 / 17 April 2019 

Vintage themes

- Google structured data correct setup - Currency converter bug fixes - Logo overlapping with search icon fix - Select dropdown spacing issue fix - Featured product sale price color change - Other smaller bug fixes

V4.1.2 / 31 January 2019

Vintage themes

- Events feed date bug fix - Async scripts wrong attribute corrected

V4.1.1 / 25 January 2019

Vintage themes

- Product page background height fix - Home page slideshow loading improved

V4.1.0 / 24 January 2019

Vintage themes

- Extensive performance improvements - Better animations handling - Product page testimonials and content sections added - Page sections template added - Blog & article featured collection added - Contact page improvements & map - Maps section setup restructure - Product labels improvements (new & custom labels) - On sale price color picker - Header search icon for mobile added - Promo popup mobile switch added - New product page ‘Add to cart’ area image setting - Lazy loading third-party integrations - Theme assets naming change - Google+ integration removed - Other smaller bug fixes

V4.0.1 / 17 December 2018

Vintage themes

- Dynamic checkout buttons enabled by default - Small bug fixes

V4.0.0 / 25 October 2018

Vintage themes

- Introduced theme animations - Product grid image cropping setting - Pagination numbers on mobile exposed  - Mega navigation hover outside fix - Tables added via RTE overflow on mobile fix

V3.8.0 / 29 August 2018

Vintage themes

- FAQs page template - New testimonials section - New logo list section - Breadcrumbs navigation on product page - Other small improvements and bug fixes

V3.7.1 / 17 July 2018

Vintage themes

- Vimeo thumbnail bug fix

V3.7.0 / 17 July 2018

Vintage themes

- New Shopify Payment icons in the footer - New Slideshow section text color options - Improved content handling for Video gallery section - Announcement bar text size adjusted - Other small improvements and bug fixes

V3.6.0 / 10 July 2018

Vintage themes

- Quick 'add-to-cart' buttons feature on product grids - Review stars on product grids and 'Featured product' section - Currency converter added to header and sidebar menus - Background color picker for header, footer and newsletter section - Social media image upload - Mobile grid or carousel layout option on 'Featured collection' 'Events' & 'Related products' - Video gallery thumbnail replacement - Mega-navigation items expand width automatically - 'Featured product' section re-designed - Settings schema links updated to a new knowledge base platform - Products settings schema optimized - Google product page schema errors fixed - Various color dropdown settings replaced with native color picker UI - Other small design changes and minor bug fixes

V3.5.0 / 30 May 2018

Vintage themes

- New Shopify font picker setting integration - Rich text field where customer email signup fields appear

V3.4.0 / 25 Mar 2018

Vintage themes

- Dynamic checkout buttons feature support

V3.3.0 / 28 Feb 2018

Vintage themes

- Responsive images across the theme - Second image on hover option - Continue shopping button added to popup cart

V3.2.0 / 14 Feb 2018

Vintage themes

- Section parity update - New Newsletter section - New Rich text section - Center content option on collection pages

V3.1.0 / 30 Jan 2018

Vintage themes

- Mega navigation feature - Sidebar drawer call to action added

V3.0.0 / 09 Jan 2018

Vintage themes

- New liquid syntax for multi-level navigation - More post layout options to Instagram section - Slideshow full width option - New Image slideshow section - Mobile replacement image for Slideshow section   - List collections page improvement  - Collection item replacement image  - Improved product gallery zoom  - New blog layout options  - Footer blocks improved

V2.3.0 / 30 Oct 2017

Vintage themes

- New Custom content section - Two new page templates to allow width choice - Brand border size control

V2.2.0 / 30 Oct 2017

Vintage themes

- Overlay strength control setting for multiple sections - Minor bug fixes

V2.1.0 / 06 Sep 2017

Vintage themes

- Minor bug fixes

V2.0.0 / 20 Jul 2017

Vintage themes

- Lazy loading images - Sticky header options - New range picker settings added - New Custom HTML section - Slideshow section performance improvements - Improved navigation stability on touch devices - Blog categories added

V1.2.0 / 19 Jul 2017

Vintage themes

- Classic layout option added for product page - Events section using flexbox styling - Vendor link on product page option

V1.1.0 / 05 Jul 2017

Vintage themes

- New Image grid with text section - Re-worked flexbox - IE stability improvements - Special character navigation support


Vintage themes

- Initial theme release

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